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Open Letter to the Medical Community

An Open Letter to the Medical Community

Are you a physician or other health care professional? If you are and you agree that much larger doses of ascorbate than those recommended under the RDA guidelines are required for optimum health, then I ask that you share your knowledge and experience with Cforyourself visitors.

If you have written articles or would like to have a letter to Cforyourself published, I ask that you send me those materials. If you have experience treating patients with vitamin C, I ask you and your patients to share those experiences with our readers.

One consistent theme of the e-mail I get reflects the concern people have about mega-doses of vitamin C and the possible dangers involved. While I assure everyone I can about the safety of large doses of vitamin C, we are fighting an uphill battle. Please help in this fight here on the Internet where we have the opportunity to reach so many.

There are several respected institutions and organizations that link to Cforyourself; the Vitamin C Foundation and the Alternative Medicine Homepage published by Pitt University among others. Cforyourself is fast becoming a leading source of vitamin C information for the layman on the Internet. Please help us provide the best information possible.

Thank you.

Rusty Hoge

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