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How to Live Longer and Feel Better

Copyright 2006, Oregon State University Press ISBN 978-0870710964

by Dr. Linus Pauling

First published in 1986, this is the twentieth anniversary edition.

From the Introduction: “This book discusses some simple and inexpensive measures that you can take to lead a better and longer life, with greater enjoyment and fewer illnesses. The most important recommendation is that some vitamins be taken every day to supplement the vitamins that you get in your food. The best amounts of the supplementary vitamins and the best way to take them are discussed in the first chapters of the book, and the reasons for taking them are discussed in the following chapters.”

This is the book that captivated me about nutrition. Dr. Pauling states his case clearly and most convincingly in a very easy to read style. My top recommendation.

Please read my full review here.

Click the book to view on Amazon

Fight Cancer with Vitamins and Supplements

Copyright 2001, Healing Arts Press ISBN 0-89281-949-9

by Kedar N. Prasad, Ph.D., and K. Che Prasad, M.D.

Kedar Prasad is the director of the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is a leading researcher and proponent of the value of antioxidants in the fight against cancer. He is also a leader for our side in the controversy concerning antioxidants and their possible negative impact on chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

His book explains cancer basics and the important role of nutrition to support the body’s fight against cancer.

Cancer and Vitamin C

Copyright 1979, Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine
ISBN 0-393-50000-4

by Ewan Cameron, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S. (Glasgow), F.R.C.S. (Edinburgh) and Linus Pauling, Ph.D.

“A discussion of the nature, causes, prevention, and treatment of cancer with special reference to the value of Vitamin C”

For anyone interested in the use of Vitamin C for the prevention and treatment of Cancer, this is the best. Also includes a comprehensive discussion about cancer and conventional therapies.

Vitamin C Against Cancer

Copyright 1979, Stein & Day ISBN 0-8128-2693-0

by H.L. Newbold

Newbold relates his own experience and discussions from practitioners of Vitamin C therapy as well as practitioners of the conventional modalities. For anyone involved with cancer this is very interesting.

Click the book to view on Amazon

Beating Cancer with Nutrition

Copyright 2001, Bookworld Services ISBN 0-9638-3728-1

by Patrick Quillin with Noreen Quillin

Dr. Quillin covers the gamut of nutritional therapies for cancer. While you know my focus is vitamin C, this book is a terrific resource that looks at most all aspects of nutrition, cancer and the body’s chemistry. It is a valuable addition to the resources that focus on vitamin C.

Click the book to view on Amazon

Vitamin C & Cancer

by Pauling and Hoffer

Click the book to view on Amazon

Cancer & Vitamin C

by Pauling

An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer

Copyright 1997, Future Medicine Publishing, ISBN 1-887-29901-7

by W. John Diamond, MD, W. Lee Cowden, MD, with Burton Goldberg

A truly comprehensive volume covering the protocols and research of the leading alternative medicine cancer fighters. Contains individual chapters for 23 separate Physicians as well as in-depth information regarding vitamins, herbs, etc.

Cancer as a Turning Point

Copyright 1989, Penguin Group ISBN 0-452-26419-7

by Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D.

“It is difficult to think of anyone with cancer…who will not profit from this book.” -Norman Cousins

OK, this is not about Vitamin C, but it is fascinating to read about this therapists experience with cancer and state of mind. I also recommend his previous work, You can Fight for Your Life as well as the books by Norman Cousins.

Close to the Bone: Life Threatening Illness and the Search for Meaning

Copyright 1998, Touchstone Books ISBN 0684835304

by Jean Bolen

This is a marvelous book that is beautifully written. Dr. Bolen discusses humans as spiritual beings on a human journey rather than human beings on a spiritual journey. This book makes you explore who you really are and what it is to be a human being. I recommend this to everyone, life threatening illness not required.

Questioning Chemotherapy: A Critique of the Use of Toxic Drugs in the Treatment of Cancer

Copyright 2000, Equinox Press ISBN 1-881025-25-X

by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

Ralph Moss is one of the most knowledgeable experts concerning cancer therapy. This book takes a hard look at the “progress” of chemotherapy. Dr. Moss writes “I started as a believer in chemotherapy. As a science writer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, I wrote articles praising the latest advances in chemotherapy. I was impressed by the then-emerging cures for Hodgkin’s disease, acute lymphocytic leukemia and some other relatively rare cancers. At the same time, I began to learn how skeptical many good scientists…”


This site has a very in-depth look at many forms of cancer. Here is what they say about the site, “Prevention as an alternative ecancercure treatment, Physical fitness, Diet control, Sun protection and much more….”

If I Had Terminal Cancer

This one page discusses nutritional treatments and the problems with chemotherapy.

Cancer Therapies That Work

This site discusses a balanced approach to cancer treatment including traditional and alternative therapies, including vitamin C

The Health Revolution

Another single page that discusses vitamin C and cancer. I like this page because it stresses the importance of very high doses. From the top of the page:

This article tells how Ascorbate (Vitamin C) helps to cure cancer. Vitamin C also helps to kill germs in the blood of HIV-infected people. The Bowel Tolerance Test tells you how much Ascorbate your body needs.


This site has information about nutrition and cancer. However, they sell nutritional products “providing optimal nutrition support for the immune compromised patient”.

Cancer Center

Discusses a wide variety of therapies for the cancer patient. If you have cancer, you should look at this site.

Intravenous Vitamin C in a terminal Cancer Patient

The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine has published an account worth reading of a patient’s experience with IV vitamin C.

Fighting Cancer

For cancer resources, information about cancer treatment options and cancer patient support. Cancer patients seeking links to cancer resources, information and support will find this site provides a general orientation designed to help you make your own choices and decisions concerning alternative cancer treatments or orthodox cancer treatments.

Hoffer’s Home Page

Dr. Abram Hoffer, a leading researcher and clinician concerning orthomolecular medicine, shares his practice’s experiences with his cancer patients and treatment.

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