The new standard of care for patients with burns over >30% of their body is intravenous injection of vitamin C. The dose is an incredible 100,000 mg/day. Type “vitamin C burns Orlando” into Google to see the document for yourself.
It’s taken the medical profession well over a decade to complete conclusive trials decisively proving the effectiveness of high dose intravenous vitamin C for burn patients. The Orlando Medical Center is among the first to act on the results to the great benefit of patients.
Regional medical facilities specializing in burns are distributed throughout the country. Odds are that the facility near you still has not updated their procedures. Please talk to physicians that you know and ask them to pass the word on to their colleagues working in regional burn centers that they need to learn about what’s going on in Orlando.
IV vitamin C at 100,000 mg/day is a drastic treatment, in this case used for an extreme emergency – severe burn injury. Isn’t it common sense to take 10,000 to 30,000 mg/day of vitamin C by mouth for less severe burns? There is no need for help from a physician. If you are a loved one suffers from a burn, just go ahead and take as much vitamin C by mouth as you can tolerate for a few days. I strongly recommend 250 to 1000 mg/day of niacin at the same time based on arguments and data I’ve presented in earlier posts justifying a special role for high dose niacin and vitamin C to accelerate wound healing.
While intravenous vitamin C has become the standard of care at Orlando Medical Center for severe burn patients, the same treatment remains heresy for treating viral and bacterial pneumonia. To me, it seems like common sense to point to the similarities between thermal burns, and the chemical “burns” caused by viruses and bacteria in the human lung. Like thermal burns, pneumonia is characterized by extensive tissue damage spread over a wide area of the lungs. In both types of injury, their is a common job to be done. Wound healing.
With pneumonia, the good news is that physician assistance is rarely needed. Direct action by family caretakers is sufficient. Pneumonia is a serious conditions. It seems to me a no-brainer to take as much vitamin C (10,000 to 30,000 mg/day) as one can, along with 250 to 1000 mg/day of time-release niacin for a few days and suffer whatever side effects there are in order to prevent hospitalization with pneumonia.
To me, this publication from the Orlando Medical Center is a watershed moment. To me, it signals the end of controversy about the usefulness of high doses of vitamin C, and gives credibility to the multiple physicians and researchers who proved in the lab and in clinical practice that high dose vitamin C is useful for treating a multitude of conditions. Readers can study the benefits of vitamin C for themselves and self treat, or they can find physicians to help them. High dose vitamin C is now part of the mainstream.
Since 2002 is has been been shown that giving Vitamin C and Vitamin E cuts morbidity of critically ill patients by almost 50%. See Randomized, Prospective Trial of Antioxidant Supplementation in Critically Ill Surgical Patients in Annals of Surgery:
December 2002 – Volume 236 – Issue 6 – pp 814-822. You would think that this would be national news and all hospitals would make this standard treatment.