I can only point to my personal experience, which only involves a handful of cases. The science behind this handful of cases is powerful. The approach, in fact, is common sense.
Antibiotics and vitamins work together.
I first understood the possible synergy of antibiotics and vitamins when I worked with the OMNS and helped write a press release titled “Antibiotics and Vitamins Work Together.” At the time, I still didn’t completely get it. I completely “got it” when my dog got really sick a year ago. I did more research and realized that a class of bacteria, known as mycobacteria, cause alot more illness than is generally recognized. These are the critters causing Lyme disease and ulcers. They are also known to cause a variety of dog diseases because ticks are a particularly active vector for this type of disease and dogs off a leash are highly susceptible to tick bites.
After only a year, I’ve learned and seen enough cases to know that vitamins and antibiotics, working together, can go a long way towards preventing and curing the epidemic of prescription drug reliance that is a fact of modern life.
By myself, as a single voice on the internet, I’m not going to be as effective as I could be as part of team of professionals with a common vision. If you know of anyone who might be interested in turning this story into a more interesting story, please have them get in touch with me. I’m not hard to find. Just leave a comment at my blog – or contact Rusty at cforyourself.com and he’ll help contact me.
Help me turn back the tide of rising prescription drug dependence.
Medical articles like yours should be read by everyone in existence. Currently, I fear that the trend of prescribing antibiotics for pretty much all common ailments like sinus infections will certainly result in pathogens growing immune to these medicines, and growing right into a super bug. Just cannot imagine such a scenario.