My 54-year-old dad was just diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: chronic asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis) The Dr’s ran a bunch of bloodwork and he’s going to see them on 9/20. His blood pressure is normal and they think his heart’s ok too. He smoked for almost 40 years. I’ve been doing lots of research on supplements and am wondering about sodium ascorbate. I gave him a bottle of NOW brand SA and have him taking 1/2 tsp a few times a day, haven’t talked w/him about bowel tolerance yet. Does anyone know anything about COPD or lung disease and mega Vit C that you can share with me. I know he needs a lot more than the amt of vit c I told him to take but I just want to make sure it’s ok (even though I know it is, iykwim). Any info would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
I take 2,000 of C a day and I am healthy, but I used to have severe asthma. I am sure that if your friend took twice that much, he would feel better. I have read that Green and White tea is helpful to the lungs. Several cups a day would help. Also Calcium and magnesium are good to take for the lungs. I take Citral Plus Magnesium.
Michelle. I am 76 and take 15,000 to 20,000 mgs daily. Now I do not have any side effects as Vitamin C has only one that I know of and that bowel tolerants. I reach mine at 25,000 mg daily so I backed off a bit. A larger dose is recommented for those that have smoked and lung problems. Why not increase his dosage, what he doesn’t use goes right through his system. Surprise his doctors by getting rid of the diseases he has now. Don’t forget to thank them for curing your DAD. Only you and I will know the truth.
I’m 51 and began smoking when I was 17. I always had allergies with post nasal drip 2-3 times a year. Between the dripping and smoking, I was (obviously)repeatedly afflicted with chronic bronchitis. I finally decided to stop 3 years ago but I guess I waited too long as the doctor tells me I now have COPD/ emphezema. I take Duo-neb (albuterol and ipotropium bromide) via nebulizer every 6 hours. Every time I’ve ever gotten a cold, pnuemonia generally follows and all hell breaks loose. I land in the hospital; and get pumped up with enough steroids to choke an elephant (the fact that I weigh 300 pounds may have something to do with my doseages). Anyway, I’ve sat back and let all of this happen to me over the years, and basically accepted my fate. However, I’m beginning to think I should look beyond the doctor’s ‘catch and release’ program, and take a more aggressive approach myself. Obviously weight loss will help give the lungs more room to expand and contract. Does anyone have any other ideas I could try? Does vitamin ‘c’ really help? My wife suggested I get some, and pick up a box of “Coldease” to try to steer around the onset of this cold…any body else with similar problems out there?
Thanks and Best Regards; Keith
Keith, Buy “Dr Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution”. It is the BEST guide to improving health through vitamin (etc) supplements.
please give me information more about COPD/
copd centers
Interesting article about COPD treatment with drugs like Advair. May significantly increase pneumonia risks.
Hello: I am 71 and recently had an aortic valve replaced. I’m always exercised and still do – the doctors told me my heart was strong – I just wore the valve out. They said continue to exercise that I was a model patient for the surgery.
I have always been asthmatic (I don’t know if it’s copd because I haven’t smoked since my late 20’s. The doctor has recently started giving me combivent instead of plan albuterol. I also have a nebulizer which I use occasionally and usually with drug in it.
I take 2000 mg vitamin c a day and my wife takes 1000. We experience no problems with it. I basically have lungs that dry up and it’s hard to move the flym out. I also take singulair at times and an inhaled steroid.
I can walk 2 miles on my treadmill with little trouble though. I thing C is helping and slso to prevent pneumonia and colds as well. I too will start taking fish oil capsules – although flax seed oil is much cheaper and is omega 3 also.
Magnesium definitely helps as it is a relaxant of the bronchial muscles. BTW – I breathe far better if I run or walk alot and worse if I don’t.
my husband takes 4000 mg of C a day and has for 15 years, it has helped a great deal with his COPD.
I'm not sure about C, but there was a clinical research supporting Vitamin A. Dr. Atkins in his "Vita-Nutrient Solution" also mentions Vitamin A as real helper. This is a link to the research: . I'm taking mycellized A (50,000 IU/day), but I don't have COPD, just mild lung insufficiency. I have not had a cold since taking it and make through the H1/N1/flue season. Read Atkins book about VitaminA/COPD for details.
Thanks for your post.
I hope your dad is doing better. I think you probably know that if he stops smoking it is a step in the right direction. It seems you are on top of it. There are lots of research facilities that can help him if he is interested.
Treatments for COPD are one of the research studies we've been working on here in DeLand, Florida. Some of our investigational treatments have shown promising results, but there we need to do additional research studies to test investigational methods that may help us understand the condition.
wat is significance of Vit C in COPD
I have copd bronchitus. Heres my daily list: 2000mg C, 2000mg fish oil,1000mg magnesium, 100mg co q 10,plus a supplement from NSC24- called beta glucan respitory formula and beta glucan with caprylic acid. The NSC24 products really made a difference. The C helps to keep colds and viruses away. I also take other prescribed medications as needed. Check out "Know the cause" on TV or on the internet. I learned alot from watching their programs…
I gave vitamin c to a friend who had been on oxygen in nightime since February.
This was three weeks ago. She has only been on oxygen once since.
I gave her lipsosmal vitamin c (vitamin c in nanoballs wrapped in phosphydatil Choline.) This increases the level of vitamin c ten times over typical oral c.
Please check it out. I have no interest in this company, but have been taking and researching c since 1989, when I saw Linus Pauling talk.
Visit here:
Well from what I read the the use of Vit C seems to have abated quite a bit. I have COPD and have survived for over 30 years ( I wrote a book about it), but I do find that taking Vit D is important. I don’t get out in the sun much and you need that and D will help that a lot.
My Doctor doesn’t like drugs too much so I keep fit and that workd as well as anything.
I have also found that pirsed lip breathing can cut back on the use of Albuterol a lot. bwwebster
My father is 79 and has copd he has is losing weight, right now he is on home oxygen and hand inhalers. I was wondering if anyone had any any problems with losing wieght. I read about the vitamin c. His energy level is poor. I would thank anyone for any advice or comments. signed worried
The only way to get the maximum benefit of vitamin C is by taking liposome encapsulated vitamin C. It has 96% bioavailability wheras ovet the counter vitamnin C capsules have approx.16% The crystaline powder has a higher bioavailability than otc but bowel intolerance is a problem and limits the amount you can take. Read Primal Panacea by THomas E. Levy, MD,JD. It details the cures that have been acheived by high-dose vitamin C over the last 50 years. A MUST READ book.
MedFox Publishing
Lypospheric Vitamin C, Nebulized Glutathione, lots of food grade multi vitamins, whole food, mostly plant based diet, with lots of fresh green juice and smoothies works wonders on advance COPD
Lypospheric Vitamin C, Nebulized Glutathione, lots of food grade multi vitamins, whole food, mostly plant based diet, with lots of fresh green juice and smoothies works wonders on advance COPD
I have brought my mother from the brink of death in the hospital to bright and shiny and swearing she'll never smoke again three times in the past five years. The first time she lost 40 pounds over 3 months and was off all meds and oxygen for two years, till she got depressed and went back to some of her old habits. We use Lypospheric Vitamin C as our first line of defense, along with nebulized glutathione, and n-acetyl cysteine (orally) and curcumin. Call natural health centers and inquire, it's a great way to learn.
I have brought my mother from the brink of death in the hospital to bright and shiny and swearing she'll never smoke again three times in the past five years. The first time she lost 40 pounds over 3 months and was off all meds and oxygen for two years, till she got depressed and went back to some of her old habits. We use Lypospheric Vitamin C as our first line of defense, along with nebulized glutathione, and n-acetyl cysteine (orally) and curcumin. Call natural health centers and inquire, it's a great way to learn.
I make my own Liposomal C at home.
I get about 75% encapsulation and the commercial Liposomal C is about 90% encapsulated.However, the commercial brands are expensive and the homemade is very cheap. Liposomal C is much more powerful than even IV C and you don't have to worry about bowel tolerance. Vitamin C by IV only get into your blood but Liposomal C gets to every cell in your body.
You'll need an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner to make it. Buy one with an 8 minute timer. Amazon sells them.
Recipes are all over the Internet and it's very simple to make but a little time consuming.
I am Tirth from Canada, I was diagnosed of Emphysema (COPD) in 2011 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited pulmonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from South Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email he sent me Emphysema herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 12-14 days of usage, Contact this great herbal doctor via his email Goodluck
Shaunie or anyone who can help me.., I have some liquid Super Lipsomal Glutathoine 1000 mg . I purchased it to nebulize but, not quite sure how to use it.. Can I use it straight or do I have to dilute it…I have kept it in the fridge… suggested use is 1 teas in 1 cup of water. Will I get the same results taking it thru the oral method? thanks
Make your own liposomal vit c…plenty of how to do it videos on youtube
I was diagnosed of Emphysema 9 months ago which affected my breathing badly, my doctor advice me for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were involved, i was making preparation for this when a friend of mine told me about a herbal doctor from South Africa, doctor Ejiro who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, i contacted Dr Ejiro via his email and he sent me Emphysema herbal medicine via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine i applied it as instructed and was totally cured of Emphysema within 12-14 days of usage, i never had to go for the surgery again as i was totally free from emphysema, all thanks to Dr Ejiro, contact Dr Ejiro via his email or call him on +27616158179
Vitamin C technically is the whole complex of ascorbic acid and other bioflavonoid complexs that typically are found in fruits: peel pith and flesh . Ascorbic acid is one part of the Vitamin C complex, but it is extremely effective. The kind you buy as ascobic acid will be syntheticall produced but it is the most effective part of the natural complex. It works.
I was diagnosed of COPD in July 2014. I was on Albuterol Nebs and levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was adviced for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were affected, i was making preparation for this surgery when a friend of mine told me about a traditional herbal doctor called doctor Abumere who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including COPD disease, When i contacted Dr Abumere his email and bought the herbal medicine I received the herbal medicine through courier service in 3days, when i received this herbal medicine i used it as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 18-20 days of usage, he is able to cure any kinds of disease such as 1. Diarrheal Diseases,2. HERPES 1/2,3. CANCER,4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease),5. Herpatitis B,6.chronic pancreatitis,7.Emphysema,8.COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease),9.asthma,10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma,11.CHRONIC PANCREATITIS,12. Preterm Birth contact Dr Abumere via his email:
I was diagonose of Emphysema in 2010 and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 3 years ago, our family doctor told me there was no cure but it can only be controled. Ever since then i have been running heather scepter looking for a solution to my problem because i was going to lose my Job if i dont get better, until i ran into this online testimony of Dr Lusanda who have been curing people of COPD with his herbal remedy i immediately contacted him via their email, to God be thy glory i bought this COPD herbal remedy and was cured within 3 weeks of usage, at last this is a break through for all COPD/emphysema patients contact this herbal clinic via their email or website on
I was diagnosed of COPD in July 2014. I was on Albuterol Nebs and levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was adviced for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were affected, i was making preparation for this surgery when a friend of mine told me about a traditional herbal doctor called doctor Abumere who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including COPD disease, When i contacted Dr Abumere his email and bought the herbal medicine I received the herbal medicine through courier service in 3days, when i received this herbal medicine i used it as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 18-20 days of usage, he is able to cure any kinds of disease such as 1. Diarrheal Diseases,2. HERPES 1/2,3. CANCER,4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease),5. Herpatitis B,6.chronic pancreatitis,7.Emphysema,8.COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease),9.asthma,10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma,11.CHRONIC PANCREATITIS,12. Preterm Birth contact Dr Abumere via his email:
Go get some ascorbic acid. You can buy it online by the pound. Use it with limes and lemons for the full Vitamin C complex effect…but do it now and for anyone you love who smokes.
It absolutely works. When I was in college as an athlete i moved from Montana to southern california. We ran sprints in August, and I developed Exercise Induced Asthma. The gave me an inhaler with Albuterol, it worked for the Asthma, but my hands started shaking so much that I couldn't write well. This was in the early 1990s and I had access to internet via dialup. I researched solutions and discovered Vitamin C. I never looked back. I began taking it and my EIA disappeared in a few days. DAYS! I have helped hundreds of people personally include vitamin C in their daily intake. There are hundreds of more people who never really tried it and are either dead or still suffering today.
I am a nutritional researcher. I make my money by trading financials and also play poker professionally. I am very aware of all the sickness I see in casinos all over the west. You can guess mostly what that is due to: 1. Smoke 2. poor nutrition 3. Lack of sunshine. I nebulize ascorbate before entering a casino, sip liquid ascorbates during my time inside, and nebulize again after leaving the casino. I eat many many plates of dark green leafy vegetables each day, get plenty of sun, rest and exercise. I am healthy. However, in the periods when I did not adhere to this regimen very quickly my nostrils became irritated, my thinking got foggy and I felt extremely low energy.
You must use some form of ascorbate (Vitamin C) in addition to your food just to remain healthy even if you don't smoke. If you do smoke, the clock is ticking and it's not in yor favor.
You cannot take too much, always err on the side of overdoing vitamin c, and supplement with the main minerals as well while doing so. You need to research this part of minerals I will not explain that here.
You can take vitamin C as ascorbic acid alone in a glass of water (1 tsp of ascorbic acid crystals is 4 grams or 4,000 milligrams). You can take liposomal vitamin c you purchase, you can make your own liposomal vitamin c (see and you can get a qualified doctor to give you sodium or magnesium or potassium ascrobate intravenously. I would recommend everyone who isn't supplementing this minute go out and buy some at any store and begin taking it immediately.
If you smoke, within 30 minutes the serum levels of ascorbate can drop by more than 30%. If you consider that most of the population worldwide in the industrialized world (with processed food diets) are vitamin C deficient anyway, it's a wonder why smoker's don't just die in the first week of smoking. If you smoke and live very long after you are very lucky.
Now get to diseases, since Vitamin C deficiency causes so many diseases, it means that bringing that level of ascorbate up to optimal will reverse or stop the disease process. You must work to understand how to saturate your tissues with ascorbate on a Daily, hourly or every 10 minute bases if you are taking it orally . The sicker you are the more you need for it to work.
I was diagnosed of COPD in July 2016. I was on Albuterol Nebs and levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was adviced for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were affected, i was making preparation for this surgery when a friend of mine told me about a traditional herbal doctor called doctor Ayes who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including COPD disease, When i contacted Dr Ayes his email and bought the herbal medicine I received the herbal medicine through courier service in 3days, when i received this herbal medicine i used it as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 18-20 days of usage, he is able to cure any kinds of disease such as 1. Diarrheal Diseases,2. HERPES 1/2,3. CANCER,4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease),5. Herpatitis B,6.chronic pancreatitis,7.Emphysema,8.COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease),9.asthma,10.Acute angle-closure Glaucoma,11.CHRONIC PANCREATITIS,12. Preterm Birth contact Dr Ayes via his email:
Emphysema is a type of lung disease that causes shortness of breath. Difficulty breathing and exhaling are common symptoms of emphysema. There are herbal products used to treat emphysema naturally.
I am from USA, I was diagnosed of Emphysema (COPD) in 2016 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited pulmonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal
doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Emphysema, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email he sent me the Emphysema herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 12-14 days of usage, if you are suffering of this diseases you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor via his email or call +27733822131
I have been diagnosed with COPD for over 12 years. My principal symptom has been a heavy feeling in the chest. I cannot breathe well while lying flat on my back or on my right side. I have recently had a very major reduction in these symptoms having been prescribed cefdinir for a diagnosis of an upper respiratory viral infection last 4 months. I am only writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I started on Emphysema herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic,i read alot of reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the COPD natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, all my symptoms completely faded away, my lungs are totally repaired!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net
I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in summer of 2014, my symptoms started out with shortness of breath and chronic cough. The pulmonary disease specialist prescribed me some medications to help my symptoms however the medications did no good and their side effects were too severe. In May 2016, i started on NewLife Herbal Clinic COPD Herbal formula treatment, i read alot of positive reviews on their success rate with the COPD Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 11 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with my breathing, there is no case of dyspnea and chest tightness since treatment, visit NewLife Herbal Clinic official website www. newlifeherbalclinic. com or email info@ newlifeherbalclinic. com. This treatment is incredible!
Shirley Heche
I am 50 years old and I was told I had COPD 10 years ago. I immediately quit smoking, but as the years pass by my situation gets worse, and I started having attacks once a year, then every six months, and later every 3 to 4 months I was in the hospital. I used to be able to exercise, but it was so hard because i was out of breath. I see people say exercise, but understand this, you can`t exercise if you`re out of breath. I live off steroids and became type 2 diabetic from the steroids, but
they`were the only medicine that kept me going. No one knows how you really feel unless they have been through your situation, not even some doctors. When the steroids no longer helps, i was introduced to Health herbal clinic in Johannesburg who have successful herbal treatment to COPD and other lungs diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the copd herbal remedy and commenced usage, i used the herbal supplement for only 9 weeks, all symptoms gradually faded away, herbs are truly gift from God. contact this herbal clinic via their email: or whatsapp number +12815919421 website:
I was looking for copd treatments for my husband who was 72yrs old,my husband has COPD and cancer, his condition was very critical which i was very afraid that will not survive it.
His white blood count was very low right now and his doctors are planning on starting some chemo or other treatment soon.. I don't believe he will last long if he does this.. His copd is getting worse even though he hasn't smoked in 30 years.
so i decided to come online to see if there will be better alternative,during my research i saw a lady post about doctor Abumere who has power over deadly diaereses,so i decided to contact him because i really do not care about what my husband was talking in all i want for him is for him to get well for me because he was all i have,my husband took the remedies as he told us and few weeks later my husband stop to notice that symptoms of his disease are begging to leave him so he went back to his Dr and he was told he no longer has those diseases.
My husband is totally free of COPD and cancer if not for doctor abumere who help us rid this problem there is a possibility that my husband wouldn't be alive today.
their contact info ( abumereherbalcentre @ gmail. com) OR (http : // abumereherbalcentre . com)
I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2012 at the age of 63. I had been a heavy smoker, my symptoms started out with dry cough and shortness of breath, i ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. I should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. My COPD got significantly worse and unbearable because of my difficulty catching breath. Last year, i started on a natural COPD Herbal therapy from NewLife Herbal Clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I breath very much better now, no case of shortness of breath or chest tightness since treatment. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic website ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com. This COPD treatment is a miracle!!
I was diagnosed with COPD & emphysema in May of this year. I have been smoke free for 14 months. I quit because my first granddaughter was going to be born! I didn't want to smell like an ashtray when I held her! Since then I have been having trouble breathing, gained twenty pounds since quitting smoking I was exercising and not losing any weight, seeing a dietician and being told to quit eating practically! I was depressed and feeling like nothing is working! There's got to be a way to make me feel like my chest isn't so tight feeling like something is stuck in my chest. I lost touch with reality.I started on Health Herbal Clinic COPD Herbal formula treatment in August 2017, i read alot of positive reviews on their success rate treating COPD disease through their Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with MY breething ,I am unbelievably back on my feet again, this is a breakthrough for all COPD Patients, visit Health Herbal Clinic official website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email info@ healthherbalclinic. net.This treatment is incredible!
I found out that I have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease three years ago. I quit smoking for a few days and started back up because it seems everyone around me smokes, my boyfriend, daughters, son-in-law and it makes it so hard to truly quit and yes I know I'm slowly killing myself. I've been a smoker for 38 years was down to three or four cigarettes a day then started smoking like crazy again. I really do want to quit just don't have the willpower! So if you don't smoke now don't ever start,because if not for this herbal remedies i bought from total cure herbal foundation i believed i should av been with my tank now, it's no fun getting this sick and trying to fight the urge not to smoke. I hurt so bad everyday, my back and my lungs. I wake myself up at night with my wheezing. I cough all the time I cant breath when I'm laying down. I use 2 different inhalers three to four times a day and also do breathing treatments at home.But i was able to get rid of this disease totally through the means of totalcureherbalfoundation@ gmail. com which i purchase from them,this herbal foundation are the only place where you can find the right herbal medicine to any diseases including COPD emphysema.
I have had emphysema for about five years. I was on oxygen during the day but not at night. I could go about two hours without the oxygen, and then I need it. I had a converter in the house and oxygen tanks for when I go shopping, etc. I am 64 years old and in relatively good health. The doctor said it was caused by a combination of smoking, dust here in Vegas, and 30 years of smog in California. I believed I will always need the oxygen to breathe. I quit smoking 15 years ago. But the damage has been done. January 2017 my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Green House Herbal Clinic natural organic Emphysema Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this Emphysema Herbal formula treatment. Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official web-site ww w. greenhouseherbalclinic. com. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. I am very pleased with this treatment. I breath very well now and exercise regularly, sometimes i totally forget i ever had Emphysema, I am thankful to nature, the medics failed. Share with friends!!
COPD is a collection of diseases which make breathing gradually more difficult. The most common symptoms of COPD are sputum production, shortness of breath, and a productive cough. These symptoms are present for a prolonged period of time. COPD Treatment
I was diagnosed of COPD in 2009. After trying all possible options, in November, 2016 I started on COPD Herbal formula from NewLife Herbal Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my COPD lungs condition. I used the NewLife COPD Herbal formula for a total time period of 4 months, it totally reversed my COPD. I had a total decline of symptoms including difficulty breathing, dry cough, low energy, fatigue and others.
Visit NewLife Clinic web-site ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com. I am very pleased with this treatment. I breath very well now and exercise regularly, sometimes i totally forget i ever had COPD, I am thankful to nature, the medics failed. Share with friends!!
Beverly Donias
I was diagnosed with Emphysema. My symptoms included shortness of breath, dizziness, lack of oxygen to all body parts, numbness of fingers, no energy, no appetite, fatigue, and bloodshot eyes. I was living at a place that has mold and mildew in the air conditioning unit. I also smoked a pack a day for 20 years. The Pulmonologist started me on Spiriva and Advair plus nose sprays, to reduce symptoms and slow down progression but I could not tolerate them for long due to severe side effects so I opted not to go on prescription medicines but decided on using herbs instead, October 18, 2017 after being on the herbs you recommended, i had a total recovery from Emphysema disease with this natural herbal formula treatment. The shortness of breath, dizziness has subsided. When I stumbled upon you guys, it was just pure instinct. And from that day on it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The caring that goes into explaining what herbs work for whatever ails me is astounding. In today’s world where so many are after a quick buck, selling without care, Natural Herbal Garden’s staffs amplifies the difference. I’m a believer in karma, and for generations to come, this is a herbal store that will be leaving it’s footprint in this world. Visit NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS official web site www. naturalherbalgardens. com A world of thanks to The Natural Herbal Gardens!”